European supplier of grain products

Maselis can do it

Your nutrition expert in Roeselare for transformation from grain to ingredient.

Commitment to business practices and human rights

Our ethical trade policy

Our ethical trade policy is a core element of our commitment to buy, produce and sell our products responsibly.

In our Ethical Codex Policy, we ask our suppliers to endorse the ETI Basic Code* and our business principles to ensure these principles are applied throughout the supply chain. The ETI Basic Code is based on the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is an internationally recognised code of employment practice.

* The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is a UK-based independent body that oversees affiliated NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and companies’ supply chains in accordance with a code of ethics.
Ethical Trading Initiative - Respect for workers worldwide

Communicating about labour regulations

SEDEX is a secure online database, as well as a supply chain management tool, that helps companies identify, manage and correct ethical risks in global logistics chains.


Inland shipping

Given our location, we make maximum use of the Roeselare-Leie canal. In fact, 90% of the supply of our raw materials travels via inland waterways.

One inland vessel can carry between 250,000 and 1,000,000 kg of cereals, whereas a truck can only transport 28,000 kg. This clearly gives road traffic and the environment a space to breathe!

Since 2014, Maselis has been using CHP or cogeneration

Cogeneration (CHP) means that heat and electricity are produced simultaneously using a fuel-driven engine. Compared to separate production, where electricity is generated in a power plant on the one hand and heat in a boiler on the other, CHP can save up to 20% fuel.

How CHP worksWerkingsprincipe wkk

The way a cogeneration system works is simple.Het werkingsprincipe van een warmtekrachtkoppeling is eenvoudig.

  1. The fuel keeps the engine  running.
  2. This in turn sets an alternatorin motion, whichgenerates electricity..
  3. The movement of the alternator generates heat.. A coolant ensures that the alternator does not overheat.
  4. A heat exchanger recovers this heat from the coolant and uses it to produce hot water for production.
  5. Theheat from the combustion gases is also extracted via condensation and used for steam and hot water production..

Biomass incineration plant since 2009

One of the main raw materials at Maselis is oats. In the production process, the raw oats are stripped of their protective husk, which leaves us with oat groats (hulled oats) and oat husks.

These oat husks are either sold or burned as fuel for our own biomass incinerator. When the oat husks are burned (=fuel), steam is generated and then used in our production process. As a result, we have less need for fossil fuels.

Maselis contributes to a healthier climate by installing solar panels

In early 2023, all suitable Maselis roofs were equipped with solar panels. In concrete terms, this means the installation of more than 1000 solar panels on the roof of our warehouses.

Electric cars are the new standard

On the road, too, we ensure that CO2 emissions of the company and our employees are tackled by using electric cars as a new standard for all our company cars.


Working with our customers, Maselis participates in the world’s largest corporate sustainability assessment and disclosure system, EcoVadis and CDP respectively, and in 2022 Maselis was awarded the EcoVadis Silver certificate.

This is confirmation and recognition of our commitment and efforts in the area of sustainability.

Maselis has been ISO 14001 certified since the end of March 2023. ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that indicates the measures that an environmental management system should comply with. This is a new and important step in our commitment to a better world.

Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally adopted by the UN General Assembly with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. These goals, which are one and indivisible, reflect the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and ecological.

At Maselis, we contribute to the following goals:

  1. Zero hunger
  2. Good health and well-being
  3. Gender equality
  4. Decent work and economic growth
  5. Industrie innovatie en infrastructuur
  6. Responsible consumption and production
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